Le vocabulaire pour passer un entretien professionnel

Explorez notre page de vocabulaire dédiée à la préparation des entretiens et des interviews pour des opportunités de travail ou de stage. Nous comprenons que bien se préparer est essentiel pour réussir dans le monde professionnel. Cette ressource vous offre une liste complète de mots et d'expressions clés pour vous aider à briller lors de vos entretiens.

Que vous soyez étudiant, professionnel en quête de nouvelles opportunités, ou simplement désireux d'améliorer vos compétences en anglais pour les entretiens, notre page vous fournira les outils linguistiques nécessaires pour réussir.


interview :
resume :
curriculum vitae
cover letter :
lettre de motivation
job application :
candidature à un emploi
employer :
employee :
skills :
qualifications :
hiring manager :
responsable du recrutement
job description :
description de poste
career :
goal :
strengths :
points forts
soft skills :
compétences relationnelles
weaknesses :
points faibles
teamwork :
travail d'équipe
achievement :
leadership :
communication skills :
compétences en communication
salary :
benefits :
avantages sociaux
resignation :
team :
workplace :
lieu de travail
company values :
valeurs de l'entreprise
resume gap :
écart dans le CV
hiring process :
processus de recrutement
onboarding process :
processus d'intégration
candidate assessment :
évaluation du candidat
employment history :
historique professionnel

Dialogue entre un recruteur et un développeur informatique

Interviewer (I): Hello, thank you for coming today. Let's start with introductions. Could you tell us about your experience as a software developer?

Candidate (C): Hello, certainly. I've worked for five years as a developer in a software company, where I was involved in designing and developing several web and mobile applications. I have a strong background in programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, and Python. I've also worked on database management and have experience with front-end and back-end development.

Interviewer (I): That sounds like valuable technical expertise. Beyond technical skills, what personal qualities do you think make you a good fit for our team?

Candidate (C): Well, in addition to my technical skills, I believe my problem-solving ability has been a great asset in my previous roles. I enjoy tackling complex challenges and finding innovative solutions. I'm also a team player and have collaborated effectively with cross-functional teams. Communication is another strength of mine, which helps bridge the gap between technical and non-technical team members. I'm adaptable and thrive in fast-paced environments, which I believe is crucial in the software development industry.

Interviewer (I): That's great to hear. Problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability are certainly important qualities in a software developer. Can you provide an example of a challenging project you've worked on and how you approached it?

Candidate (C): Certainly. In my previous role, we had a tight deadline for a client project that required integrating a complex third-party API. We encountered unexpected issues with data compatibility, which threatened the project's timeline. I initiated a series of brainstorming sessions with the team, and we collectively identified a workaround that not only resolved the issue but also improved the overall performance of the system. We met the deadline and received positive feedback from the client.

Vocabulaire du dialogue

to involve :
valuable :
de valeur
to tackle :
aborder,s'attaquer à qqch./qqn.
to thrive :
prospérer, s'épanouir
asset :
atout (actif dans le monde financier)
to encounter :
workaround :

Nos exercices

Tous nos exercices pour bien s'entraîner et réussir ses entretiens d'embauche avec une sélection des questions les plus courantes dans un entretien en anglais.


Les entretiens I


Les entretiens II


Les entretiens III


Les entretiens


Les entretiens I


Les entretiens II